Friday, November 13, 2009


First, I just want to say how proud I am of my group for winning the presentation competition the other day! We had to present on a recent technology, write a summary and have a visual as well as answer questions from a panal of judges! We worked very well together and I was happy to hear how well we did.

Anyways, re-cell is actually a really neat new technology. (re-cell spray is what we presented on) It is a spray that is used on second-degree burns on the human body and works by taking a very small biopsy of the skin and processed right on the operating table. The doctor then takes what was processed and sprays it on the burn and the healing begins. It is much safer than skin graffes and eliminates the need for scar surgerys. I think it is definitely something that needs more research done; this new technology can help many people in many different ways.

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