Friday, November 27, 2009


I was in NYC for Thanksgiving and had a fabulous time! I went with my best friend and had dinner with my brother and his girlfriend on Thursday. It was amazing and we had a great feast! While I was in NYC, I saw the windows at SAKS my brother worked on! He graduated from Purdue with a graphic design degree, and he is very talented! It was so neat seeing the windows this year in NYC; I've always wanted to. It was impressive seeing the different ways technology was used. The snowflakes and stars in some of the windows flew around and even talked! The mouths moved and went with the sentences they were saying. It was very neat. Last year the windows were interactive with the viewers; unfortunately I didn't get to see those, but apparantly viewers could press certain buttons for the windows to do certain things. It is really neat seeing the different types of effects tecnology has on all sorts of things anymore; who would have thought Christmas windows would have talking snowflakes and flying stars?!

1 comment:

  1. This sounds amazing!!! I'd love to go to NYC!
    Glad you had fun!
